What We Do
Volker Neighborhood Association is a forum where residents can learn about opportunities and resources, organize around neighborhood and city issues, and meet neighbors with common interests and concerns. We are a channel for communication between residents and between the city and residents. Not only do we provide 10 informational and social meetings annually plus special events, a newsletter, and social media presence, we are also active behind the scenes attending meetings and hearings with city, municipal court, and community organizations, and building relationships with residents and others to support Volker interests. We listen when you bring concerns to us, and when you want to take action, we work with you.
How to Join
You can join by:
1. Clicking your membership category below and paying online.
2. Join at a monthly meeting every 2nd Thursday of the month (no meeting in July, August or December).
3. Mail it in to:
VNA c/o Diane Capps
3535 Genessee Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
* All memberships based on calendar year.
Individual Member - $15

Individual Senior - $10

Household (2 Members) - $20

Household (3 Members) - $30

Business Member - $25

Where Does Your Money Go?
We provide bi-annual dumpster days that also has a presence by Connecting for Good for your electronic recycling needs.
We have ice cream socials and in past years, produced events like Volkerfest in Roanoke Park for local musicians, businesses, and artists to showcase all that Midtown has to offer.
We provide graffiti removal throughout the neighborhood while providing supplies.