Mid-Term Elections - November 6, 2018
Information Resource Links
Check your voter registration eligibility: https://s1.sos.mo.gov/elections/voterlookup/
Find your polling place: https://voteroutreach.sos.mo.gov/PRD/VoterOutreach/VOSearch.aspx
Sample Ballot: https://www.kceb.org/useruploads/11_6_18/Sample_Ballot_11-18_Final_3.pdf
Missouri Secretary of State Ballot Measure Details: https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/petitions/2018BallotMeasures
Jackson County Charter Question Details: https://www.jacksongov.org/1039/Proposed-Charter-Changes#tab075f3c5a-9e92-49bc-9b5d-dcea43584b9e_1
Missouri Bar Judge Recommendations: http://www.yourmissourijudges.org/judges/circuit/jackson-county/
KCUR Article explaining the Library Question: http://www.kcur.org/post/kansas-city-public-library-will-ask-voters-8-cent-levy-increase#stream/0
Ballotpedia Entry for Missouri: https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_elections,_2018
Something to remember - constitutional amendments are more binding than ballot propositions. The legislature can vote to ignore or overturn propositions. They have to accede to the will of the voters on amendments.
State Issues To Consider
Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (FULL DETAILS)
Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:
change process and criteria for redrawing state legislative districts during reapportionment;
change limits on campaign contributions that candidates for state legislature can accept from individuals or entities;
establish a limit on gifts that state legislators, and their employees, can accept from paid lobbyists;
prohibit state legislators, and their employees, from serving as paid lobbyists for a period of time;
prohibit political fundraising by candidates for or members of the state legislature on State property; and
require legislative records and proceedings to be open to the public?
State governmental entities estimate annual operating costs may increase by $189,000. Local governmental entities expect no fiscal impact.
Yes or No
Fair Ballot Language:
A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to change the process and criteria for redrawing state legislative district boundaries during reapportionment (redistricting). Currently, bipartisan house and senate commissions redraw boundaries and those maps are adopted if 70% of the commissioners approve the maps. This amendment has a state demographer chosen from a panel selected by the state auditor redraw the boundaries and submit those maps to the house and senate commissions. This amendment would then allow changes to the demographer's maps only if 70% of the commissioners vote to make changes and do so within two months after receiving the maps from the state demographer. The amendment also reduces the limits on campaign contributions that candidates for state senator or state representative can accept from individuals or entities by $100 per election for a senate candidate and $500 for a house candidate. The amendment creates a $5 limit on gifts that state legislators and their employees can accept from paid lobbyists or the lobbyists’ clients, and prohibits state legislators and their employees from serving as paid lobbyists for a period of two years after the end of their last legislative session. The amendment prohibits political fundraising by candidates for or members of the state legislature on State property. The amendment further requires all legislative records and proceedings to be subject to the state open meetings and records law (Missouri Sunshine Law).
A “no” vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution regarding redistricting, campaign contributions, lobbyist gifts, limits on lobbying after political service, fundraising locations, and legislative records and proceedings.
If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.
Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (FULL DETAILS)
Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:
allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and create regulations and licensing/certification procedures for marijuana and marijuana facilities;
impose a 4 percent tax on the retail sale of marijuana; and
use funds from these taxes for health and care services for military veterans by the Missouri Veterans Commission and to administer the program to license/certify and regulate marijuana and marijuana facilities?
This proposal is estimated to generate annual taxes and fees of $18 million for state operating costs and veterans programs, and $6 million for local governments. Annual state operating costs are estimated to be $7 million.
Yes or No
Fair Ballot Language:
A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes under state laws. This amendment does not change federal law, which makes marijuana possession, sale and cultivation a federal offense. This amendment creates regulations and licensing procedures for medical marijuana and medical marijuana facilities — dispensary, cultivation, testing and marijuana-infused product manufacturing facilities. This amendment creates licensing fees for such facilities. This amendment will impose a 4 percent tax on the retail sale of marijuana for medical purposes by dispensary facilities. The funds from the license fees and tax will be used by the Missouri Veterans Commission for health and care services for military veterans, and by the Department of Health and Senior Services to administer the program to license/certify and regulate marijuana and marijuana facilities.
A “no” vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution as to the use of marijuana.
If passed, this measure will impose a 4 percent retail sales tax on marijuana for medical purposes.
Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (FULL DETAILS)
Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:
allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and create regulations and licensing procedures for marijuana and marijuana facilities;
impose a 15 percent tax on the retail sale of marijuana, and a tax on the wholesale sale of marijuana flowers and leaves per dry-weight ounce to licensed facilities; and
use funds from these taxes to establish and fund a state research institute to conduct research with the purpose of developing cures and treatments for cancer and other incurable diseases or medical conditions?
This proposal is estimated to generate annual taxes and fees of $66 million. State governmental entities estimate initial implementation costs of $186,000 and increased annual operating costs of $500,000.
Yes or No
Fair Ballot Language:
A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes under state laws. This amendment does not change federal law, which makes marijuana possession, sale and cultivation a federal offense. This amendment makes Brad Bradshaw (the contact person on this initiative petition) the research chairperson of a newly created research institute that is funded by fees and taxes on medical marijuana. Brad Bradshaw will select the members of the board that will govern the research institute, which will issue regulations and licensing procedures for medical marijuana and medical marijuana facilities — dispensary, cultivation, and marijuana-infused product manufacturing facilities. This amendment creates licensing fees for such facilities. The amendment imposes a 15 percent tax on the retail sale of marijuana for medical purposes by dispensary facilities and a tax on the wholesale sale of marijuana flowers and leaves by cultivation facilities. The funds generated by the license fees and taxes will be used by the research institute for licensing and regulating marijuana and marijuana facilities, land acquisition and development, and conducting research with the purpose of developing cures and treatments for cancer and other incurable diseases.
A “no” vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution as to the use of marijuana.
If passed, this measure will impose an 15 percent retail sales tax on marijuana for medical uses and a wholesale sales tax on marijuana sold by medical marijuana cultivation facilities.
Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (FULL DETAILS)
Do you want to amend the Missouri constitution to:
remove language limiting bingo game advertising that a court ruled unenforceable; and
allow a member of a licensed organization conducting bingo games to participate in the management of bingo games after being a member of the organization for six months instead of the current two years?
State and local governmental entities estimate no costs or savings from this proposal.
Yes or No
Fair Ballot Language:
A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to remove language limiting bingo game advertising that a court ruled was unconstitutional and not enforceable. This amendment would also allow a member of a licensed organization conducting bingo games to participate in the management of bingo games after being a member of the organization for six months. Currently, the constitution requires two years of membership.
A “no” vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution regarding bingo games.
If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes
Proposition B (FULL DETAILS)
Do you want to amend Missouri law to:
increase the state minimum wage to $8.60 per hour with 85 cents per hour increase each year until 2023, when the state minimum wage would be $12.00 per hour;
exempt government employers from the above increase; and
increase the penalty for paying employees less than the minimum wage?
State and local governments estimate no direct costs or savings from the proposal, but operating costs could increase by an unknown annual amount that could be significant. State and local government tax revenue could change by an unknown annual amount ranging from a $2.9 million decrease to a $214 million increase depending on business decisions.
Yes or No
Fair Ballot Language:
A “yes” vote will amend Missouri statutes to increase the state minimum wage rate as follows:
$8.60 per hour beginning January 1, 2019;
$9.45 per hour beginning January 1, 2020;
$10.30 per hour beginning January 1, 2021;
$11.15 per hour beginning January 1, 2022; and
$12.00 per hour beginning January 1, 2023.
The amendment will exempt government employers from the above increases, and will increase the penalty for paying employees less than the minimum wage.
A “no” vote will not amend Missouri law to make these changes to the state minimum wage law.
If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.
Proposition C (FULL DETAILS)
Do you want to amend Missouri law to:
remove state prohibitions on personal use and possession of medical cannabis (marijuana) with a written certification by a physician who treats a patient diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition;
remove state prohibitions on growth, possession, production, and sale of medical marijuana by licensed and regulated facilities, and a facility's licensed owners and employees;
impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of medical marijuana; and -use funds from this tax for veterans' services, drug treatment, early childhood education, and for public safety in cities with a medical marijuana facility?
State government entities estimate initial and one-time costs of $2.6 million, annual costs of $10 million, and annual revenues of at least $10 million. Local government entities estimate no annual costs and are expected to have at least $152,000 in annual revenues.
Yes or No
Fair Ballot Language:
A “yes” vote will amend Missouri statutes to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes under state laws. This amendment does not change federal law, which makes marijuana possession, sale and cultivation a federal offense. This amendment creates regulations and licensing procedures for medical marijuana and medical marijuana facilities — dispensary, cultivation and production, and testing facilities. This amendment creates licensing fees for such facilities. This amendment will impose a 2 percent tax on the retail sale of marijuana for medical purposes by dispensary facilities. The funds from the license fees will go to the Division of Liquor Control to administer the program to license/certify and regulate marijuana and marijuana facilities. The funds from the tax will be used for veterans' services, drug treatment, early childhood education, and for public safety in cities with a medical marijuana facility.
A “no” vote will not amend Missouri statutes as to the use of marijuana.
If passed, this measure will impose a 2% retail sales tax on marijuana for medical purposes.
Proposition D (FULL DETAILS)
Shall Missouri law be amended to fund Missouri state law enforcement by increasing the motor fuel tax by two and one half cents per gallon annually for four years beginning July 1, 2019, exempt Special Olympic, Paralympic, and Olympic prizes from state taxes, and to establish the Emergency State Freight Bottleneck Fund?
If passed, this measure will generate at least $288 million annually to the State Road Fund to provide for the funding of Missouri state law enforcement and $123 million annually to local governments for road construction and maintenance.
Yes or No
Fair Ballot Language:
A “yes” vote will amend Missouri statutes to fund the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s enforcement and administration of motor vehicle laws and traffic regulations. The source of the funding will be revenue from an increased state tax on motor fuel (including gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, and blended fuel). The current state motor fuel tax rate is seventeen (17) cents per gallon. The amendment will increase the rate as follows:
Nineteen and one-half (19.5) cents per gallon beginning July 1, 2019;
Twenty-two (22) cents per gallon beginning July 1, 2020;
Twenty-four and one-half (24.5) cents per gallon beginning July 1, 2021;
Twenty-seven (27) cents per gallon beginning July 1, 2022.
The amendment will also increase the tax on alternative fuels used for motor vehicles (including compressed natural gas, liquid natural gas, and propane gas). The amendment will increase the rate from seventeen (17) cents to twenty-seven (27) cents per unit equivalent to a gallon of gasoline or diesel beginning January 1, 2026.
The amendment will require the state auditor to audit the state’s use of the revenue generated by these taxes every two years.
Additionally, the amendment will allow a state income tax deduction for the value of any prize or award won in the Olympics, Paralympics, or Special Olympics; and it will create an “Emergency State Freight Bottleneck Fund,” which will be dedicated to financing road improvement projects in the state.
A “no” vote will not amend Missouri statutes to increase the motor fuel tax, exempt certain prizes from state taxes or establish the Emergency State Freight Bottleneck Fund.
If passed, this measure will increase taxes on motor fuel.
Jackson County Issues To Consider
For full details to the following questions go to this page https://www.jacksongov.org/1039/Proposed-Charter-Changes#tab075f3c5a-9e92-49bc-9b5d-dcea43584b9e_1 on the Jackson County Website. Click on the Article tabs to see the proposed changes in context of the charter.
Shall Sections 6, 12, 13, 15, and 16 of Article II and Section 6.1 of Article III of the Jackson County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, 2010, be amended in various sections to provide term limits for members of the County Legislature, to eliminate the County Executive’s power to veto an ordinance passed by the County Legislature to submit a charter amendment to the voters, to eliminate the County Executive’s power to line-item veto a portion or portions of an appropriation ordinance, to modify the specific circumstances under which members of the County Legislature shall forfeit office, to provide a salary increase for members of the County Legislature, to grant the County Legislature the power to disapprove the County Executive’s appointment of acting or interim department directors and other officers, to grant the County Legislature the power to amend the adopted county budget, and to clarify the authority of advisors employed by the County Legislature?
Yes or No
Shall Article III of the Jackson County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, 2010, be amended in various sections to provide term limits for the County Executive, to set out specific circumstances under which the County Executive shall forfeit office, to restrict the power of the County Executive to employ experts and consultants, to require the County Executive to notify the County Legislature of any correction of errors in assessment and tax records, and to provide a salary increase for the County Executive?
Yes or No
Shall Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV and Sections 1, 4, and 6 of Article VII of the Jackson County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, 2010, be amended to provide term limits for the Sheriff, to set out specific circumstances under which the Sheriff shall forfeit office, to grant the Sheriff the duty and authority to operate the county detention center and other detention facilities, to grant the Sheriff limited authority to enter into contracts to support the Sheriff’s Office, and to provide a salary increase for the Sheriff?
Shall Sections 1,3,5, and 7 of Article V, Section 7 of Article VII, and Section 2 of Article IX of the Jackson County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, 2010, be amended to provide term limits for the Prosecuting Attorney, to set out specific circumstances under which the Prosecuting Attorney shall forfeit office, to grant the Prosecuting Attorney broad authority over the County’s anti-drug/anti-crime sales tax subject to prescribed legislative oversight and limited authority to enter into contracts to support the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, to grant the Prosecuting Attorney sole authority to prosecute cases in County Municipal Court, to provide a salary increase for the Prosecuting Attorney, and to place attorneys and investigators within the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office under the County’s merit system of personnel administration?
Shall Sections 6 and 7 of Article V of the Jackson County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, 2010, be amended to grant the County Legislature the authority to remove the County Counselor and to restrict the County Counselor’s authority to enter into contracts for legal services without legislature approval and to file lawsuits involving the County Legislature?
Yes or No
Shall Section 7 of Article VII of the Jackson County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, 2010, be amended to modify the qualifications for appointment as Judge of the County Municipal Court?
Yes or No
Shall Article XIII of the Jackson County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, 2010, be amended to bar a current holder of any other federal, state, or municipal elective office from filing as a candidate for any County elective office?
Yes or No
For the purpose of renovating and replacing aging Library facilities, enhancing spaces, safety and programming for children, seniors and families, expanding services, access to computers and collections to serve public demand, and for the general operation of public libraries, shall the Board of Trustees of the Kansas City Public Library District be authorized to levy an additional eight cent ($.08) tax over the present property tax for the free public library?
Yes or No
Federal - U.S. Senator
State of Missouri - State Auditor
US Representative District 5 - U.S. Representative - District 5
E. C. Fredland - Constitution
State House District 24 - State Representative - District 24
Judy Morgan - Democratic
Frank White, Jr. - Democratic
Nathan Kline - Green
Jalen Anderson - Democratic
Crystal J. Williams - Democratic
Tony Miller - Democratic
County Legislative District 01 - COUNTY LEGISLATOR DIST. 1
Scott Burnett - Democratic
Countywide-All - SHERIFF
David J. Bernal - Republican
Darryl Forte' - Democratic
Shall Judge W. Brent Powell of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Mary Rhodes Russell of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office?
Shall Judge Edward R. Ardini, Jr. of the Court of Appeals - Western District be retained in office?
Shall Judge Justine E. Del Muro of the Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 4 be retained in office?
Shall Judge James F. Kanatzar of the Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 5 be retained in office?
Shall Judge George E. Wolf of the Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 11 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Charles H. McKenzie of the Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 13 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Jalilah Otto of the Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 15 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Marco A. Roldan of the Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 16 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Jack Grate of the Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 17 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Mark Anthony Styles, Jr. of the Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 19 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Richard T. Standridge of the Associate Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 25 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Gregory Burnett Gillis of the Associate Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 27 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Twila Kay Rigby of the Associate Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 30 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Mary Frances Weir of the Associate Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 31 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Jeffrey L. Bushur of the Associate Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 33 be retained in office?
Yes or No
Shall Judge Susan Long of the Associate Circuit Judge - Circuit 16 - Div 34 be retained in office?
Yes or No